Category Archives: Provincial-Scotia

Around the world

A couple of days ago, the local news paper had an article about a lady from Wales who’s walking around the world. Rosie Swale Pope started her run in 2003 and is scheduled to finish her travels this year. She … Continue reading

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Not the Net

Apparently there was an high-speed outage this morning, lasting up to noon. Remarkably, the router was able to connect to my provider’s gateway plus it was (assigned) a correct IP address. Routing on the provider’s end, however, completely failed. I … Continue reading

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A coincidence

Our brain’s ability to dish out memories whenever it thinks we need them is absolutely mind boggling. This morning I was reading that article about an Indonesian naval ship that ran aground in Australia: it was heading for a tall … Continue reading

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I closed down the comments for now: the last 3 days I received spam that came (consistently) from one IP address (Australia, if you want to know). Consistently. For three days. You’d say that an administrator would know after 3 … Continue reading

Posted in Provincial-Scotia, Truro NS | Tagged , | Comments Off on Nah

Not another groundhog day

This is the future speaking: Shubenacadie Sam predicted that Spring will come early this year. Live from the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park. Oh wait, they don’t do frequent updates I guess. Their loss. Cuteness at the local newspaper’s website. The premier … Continue reading

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When it’s Sunday

If you’ve followed local news, you may have heard about the Sunday Shopping battle between the major grocery chains (‘Sobeys’ and ‘SuperStore’)1 and the provincial government. Currently, only stores that have less than 4,000 square feet of retail space are … Continue reading

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More cookies

Some local news: Salmon River is now hockeyville 2006. I found out Sunday after loud horns and fireworks, but then went back to my Civ 4 game. The exhibition game? According to the local paper, it’s going to be held … Continue reading

Posted in Gross vs. Good, Provincial-Scotia | Comments Off on More cookies


Come to think of it, I posted two links today that are tied together in a way but are completely different immigration cases: first of all, Sanja Pecelj returned yesterday from Mexico. After a long Immigration struggle she got her … Continue reading

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Freezing fog

Alan (proprietor of GenX40) has some pretty pictures of freezing fog (or freezing mist) (Wikipedia link goes here). Rather here is a short description. Freezing fog reminds me the other natural event, ‘freezing rain’. I’m mentioning these two altogether, because … Continue reading

Posted in Provincial-Scotia | 2 Comments

Snowstorming Scotians

Earlier this weekend I was making jokes about the snowstorm which was supposedly dumping 5 – 10 cm snow overhere. I had the suspicion that it would blow over, since the temperature was still dangling around the 5 – 10 … Continue reading

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Alfons sent in some pictures from around the Deventer quays. They have been rebuilt in the Eighties, but the city’s Public Works department was smart enough to keep the old stones and bricks. There’s something funny about that picture. Normally … Continue reading

Posted in Provincial-Scotia | 1 Comment

About Schmidt

As per the previous item: this headline can’t be coincidence. The IWK’s new boss was fired for lying on his resume. And his name is mr. Schmidt. Yes, really, but where’s the coincidence you wonder? Last night, I bought the … Continue reading

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Where did that groundhog go?

And today, Shubenacedie Sam, Nova Scotia’s groundhog decided that Spring is right around the corner. Which goes against the predictions made by his American counterparts, who all think Spring is still 6 weeks away. Nova Scotians apparently don’t trust their … Continue reading

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