Category Archives: Hyperlinks


I‘ve not really paid attention to the Google China debacle, which reached a climax over at SearchEngineWatch: By the way, spell tianamen wrong, and you’ll get uncensored results on Google China. Be forewarned, one of these images will be of … Continue reading

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Yes comes also with no

ExpressionEngine’s (excellent blogging software, I hear) pages sport a 2 column ‘yes-no’ featurelist. I’m sure I’m not the only person getting confused: after all, the use of columns automatically seem to imply a ‘comparison’ between things or features. It makes … Continue reading

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0 ≠ 1

It’s 27 years ago, Pol Pot’s Red Khmer’s grip on Cambodia ended with the fall of Phnom Phen. If you’re not familiar with the Red Khmer, you were probably born in the Eighties (or you weren’t watching the news): under … Continue reading

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Packed with nothingness.

I noticed that Google is venturing in software bundling: here comes Google Pack. It’s a bundle of software produced by Google (like the Toolbar and Picasa), plus 3-rd party software like, Adobe Reader and Adaware. I think I just missed … Continue reading

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My predictions for 2006

While we’re at it, here are my predictions for 2006 in no particular order: Guyly will be the new thing. It’s going to be cool to be guyly again. We at xsamplex will still carry the same boring layout. That’s … Continue reading

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Almost there 1.0?

Almost closing off 2005, a year that mostly reminds of two events: the Tsunami’s aftermath and Hurricane Katrina. I honestly can’t think of any specific Canadian news \item that grabbed my attention (besides the usual suspects, like a snowstorm. Note … Continue reading

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It be snowing

It be snowing. Make that a snowstorm. Our first heavy snow warning! We go for 25! There goes nothing above a White Christmas. The results of the FIFA World Cup Draw. The Netherlands meet Argentinia, Ivory Coast and Serbia and … Continue reading

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Water, speed encore

Talking about water: it looks like we have our first snow of the season. A couple of centimeters and since it’s fairly cold (around the 4 degrees or something), I expect it to hang around for a while. Via Kottke, … Continue reading

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From Merriam’s new iniative, Open Dictionary, a repository where users can add ‘new words’. Double-Double (noun) : A coffee, usually from Tim Hortons (Canadian coffee company), with two scoops of sugar and two shots (or containers) of cream. “I’ll have … Continue reading

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Fridaaay’s links

Because I’m busy programming! A couple of items in the Dutch news bulletins that caught my eye: first, national grocery chain Albert Heyn is launching a new concept grocerystore (Dutch). To focus more on families and kids, the chain will … Continue reading

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A public service announcement:

MACKIE IS BACK And yes, that’s Nellie McKay as Polly! Oh, wait, it was already old news. You can actually click on the big letters!

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More of the same, or not.

Another gem in the War of the Words, found via Crooks and Liars. Words that come from William Kristol, apparently one of the founders of PNAC, the New American Century. In this case, Kristol was highly critical of remarks made … Continue reading

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All things transparent

Hey: ME TOO. There are far better images over at this FlickR set of pictures. Mine is not the desktop, which I could have made out of it I suppose.

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