Category Archives: Hyperlinks


Via Mernit’s a rather provocative picture of (what I presume is) art: women wrapped up in meat packages (link only, NSFW [possibly]). It reminds of a couple of years ago, during Alfons’ second visit to Canada (his first one was … Continue reading

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Capital punishment

Interesting discussion between Alan (website) and Cory (website), as pointed out by Alfons). I find it hard to formulate the right words in the whole discussion, noting that I find this part of the law is a moral mudpit of … Continue reading

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Speculation galore

There’s both dismissive and speculative talk abound about Google Talk, Google’s IM and VoIP application for Windows. The point of the Google talk isn’t all about ‘another IM contender or so’, ‘evil empire’ or ‘Skype is next’. Nope: Google supports … Continue reading

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Google and Jabber?

Will Google officially announce their “Google Talk” service tomorrow? That’s the buzz now and that actually wouldn’t surprise me. After years of locked-in IM protocols, popularity IM contests and ridiculous IM bloat variants (MSN, most notably, with their pay for … Continue reading

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I was never aware of the fact I was using mesmerizing in the wrong context, until I saw an incoming link from Alan saying that:    Arthur makes up a great word for a being in a deep daydream: mesmerizing1 I … Continue reading

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What huh?

My only source of Dutch news,, is to my surprise powered by MMBase. Apparently it’s an Open Source CMS, written in Java. I would have never noticed it if I hadn’t clicked on that link underneath’s homepage. Not … Continue reading

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Which twin are you?

With much amazement I’ve been following the trails of the ‘Bloggertwins’, Cameron ‘CamWorld’ Barrett and Damian ‘Mr. Barrett’ Barrett. Apparently, they’re so crazy of the ‘Amazing Race’ that they launched their Bloggertwins blog to get the attention of the producers … Continue reading

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War. War. War.

I did not forget about the 60th anniversary of the dropping of the nuclear bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. There’s plenty of comments about it, in the so-called websphere. Right? Wrong? I personally don’t care and just like … Continue reading

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Trying to find references between the Pope and Darth Vader on Wikipedia, I ended up at this entry on Palpatine. Seizing his former master from behind, Anakin used his last ounce of strength to cast the Emperor into the Death … Continue reading

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Woodpecker problems solved!

Over at CNN an exciting article about the Ivory Billed Woodpecker (Wikipedia). Apparantly doubters recalled their article (to be published in a science magazine) after hearing an audiotrack of recently published video footage. All nice and well, but looking at … Continue reading

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The IE7 Buzz

Seen (and read) the buzz about IE7? Holzschlag,, … and well, everybody who has a blog nowadays. Some of them are in anticipation. Some of them are waiting for something spectacular from Microsoft’s hands. And some of them, well, if … Continue reading

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Baking Soda

One of the items we bought for the homefront was Magic Baking Powder (From Kraft). It’s basically soda and it is used for leavening batters. Perfect for example to get your white cake going: in those cases you definitely don’t … Continue reading

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Two maps don’t make a truth

Via MetaFilter, I ended up at Truthmapping (Metafilter thread), a site that purports to bring rationalization to the max. Or something like that. I agree with most of the comments that the site’s idea (and intent) is good but the … Continue reading

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