Category Archives: Hyperlinks

Planet or not?

Last year, I mentioned about the tenth planet, which was nicknamed ‘Sedna’ by astronomers. It was announced as a major find (BBC): a new planet, Number X, Nemesis, nee, Sedna. Um… It’s status still appears to be in doubt. JPL-ers … Continue reading

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Mandatory fields

Looking for more information on today’s find in my old home town, a genuine +800 BC late Roman melting oven (Dutch only), I decided to take a look at the Deventer Dagblad, nowadays called ‘De Stentor’. (I have no idea … Continue reading

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Something with …uh…?

Hey there’s a security release out for WordPress. It. Uh. What it says is: but an important security issue was brought to our attention which required an update for our users. The problem is not yet public but you should … Continue reading

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Boyer-Moore stuff.

Looking for a background information on the BM algorithm, I discovered several neat sites explaining the procedure: From one of the inventors, Moore, comes a plain HTML based (step-by-step) explanation of the algorithm. Make sure you click the links. Note … Continue reading

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Trees. Trees.

A visible reminder for myself: I keep confusing oak trees and maple trees in Dutch. So once again, dear self: a maple tree is what they call an ‘esdoorn’ in Dutch. And no, the Dutch aren’t familiar with ‘esdoorn siroop’, … Continue reading

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Look. It’s…. JABBER!

I‘m underimpressed with Winer’s OPML ..uh.. stuff. Here’s the stuff that bothers me: from a programmer’s point of view, it’s always stuff that has been done before. Revolutionary? Look at the work NASA programmers do, that’s revolutionary. Winer and his … Continue reading

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WikiMedia actually works pretty good. I installed the wiki on a development machine, earlier this week following the installation details as provided by Meta.Wikimedia. It doesn’t make sense to put it on my home server, since I wouldn’t be really … Continue reading

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Lovely gap

Earlier today, a colleague ended up with a giant blank space in the listbox of the ‘Add and Remove Software’ Applet under Windows XP. Something broke during the install of an application. There’s an easy solution to this problem. It … Continue reading

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While Apple…

While Apple indeed announced to move its propriety hardware platform to the x86 processor, there was better news today, and that is (yes, yes) the official Debian Sarge release. It’s the first major release since Woody (2002). The first time … Continue reading

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I finished the Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords today. Earlier (last year), Alfons borrowed me the PC version of the first installment: a game I actually enjoyed because of the pretty good story line. Not wanting … Continue reading

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Another cursed bloggy game

Alan tagged me in the me-me book scheme. Number of books I own Uh. A couple over here. A bit more overthere. Over the years living here, I have only bought 3 books and that only to entertain me during … Continue reading

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Earlier this week, Slashdot featured two posts side by side (on the same day, the 25th). There was one about the XBox 360 (its embedded OS running on a PowerPC platform). The other one was about the letterless (blank) keyboard … Continue reading

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Nikes Rock the House

Via Kottke, I hyperjumped to Nike’s iD site which is asking bloggers to design Nike shoes (or something to that order). There was a set of pre-designed Nikes there too, and while I mindlessly browsed through all of them I … Continue reading

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