Category Archives: Hyperlinks

Now, hey. Wait a minute.

Reading about the tidal wave/earthquake disaster in Asia, I noticed that most media outlets mention that Swedish tourists have been hit the hardest. The Swedish foreign minister, Laila Freivalds, says:   “You won’t find many people in Sweden who don’t have … Continue reading

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OK then.

OK. For once, but then only once, a Dave Winer comment makes me laugh the wires off my table. There’s a lot of those wires too, here. I quote: ” Just went for a walk in Amarillo. A couple of observations. … Continue reading

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Crappy software

The other day I noticed a couple things when playing the XBOX version of Jedi Academy: first, the game is based on the Unreal-Engine. Secondly, the gameplay is pretty linear. Linear. For example at a certain stage in the game … Continue reading

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Did anybody forget to tell me that the domain name (and its .net and .org variants) is not available because an RFC says so? See RFC 2606 (Section 3)… ” The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) also currently has … Continue reading

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Alfons has some great pictures of a subminiature camera that was once found and bought in Japan in the late 50’s. There are a couple of stories tied to that camera, but the first one that sprung in my mind … Continue reading

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Pigeon fight!

We’re back and we have colourful pictures depicting the American presidential campaigns in a star-studded, cocky pigeon fight! (via Alfons) Today’s obligatory MetaFilter links go here.

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Man on the moon

Today it’s the 35th anniversary of the landing on the moon. It must have been quite the day and naturally, I was not yet put on this world that day. This is also the day you’ll see people questioning the … Continue reading

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From Sydney to Singapore and then you’re in Paris

An alert reader over at Slashdot noticed the following:    From the product page on; “you could fly from Sydney to Singapore and still have hours of listening time left over as you stroll the Champs Elysee.” I think the … Continue reading

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The latest Firebird supports RSS/Atom/YourSyndication format straight from within the program. The feature is called LiveMarks and apparently it’s the abbreviation of Live Bookmarks. It works perfect: blog entries (for example) are just added as bookmarks. That’s it. After all … Continue reading

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Jemand mußte Josef K. verleumdet haben

And thus starts the painful road to execution. Anyways, today’s ‘mystery person of the day’ (Encarta) over at Encarta (yeah, yeah, what the hell was I doing there?) is Franz Kafka (Wikipedia). Note the difference between Wikipedia and Encarta If … Continue reading

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Granada. Spain that is.

Picture goodness over at Alfons. From cathedrals to citadels to Garcia Lorca’s last resting place to palaces to Ensemble Modern. Looks like he had great weather.

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Women’s rights in society

Dutch broadcaster and ‘edutainer’, the RVU, has put a couple of (foreign, meaning not Dutch) documentaries online that discuss the position of women in modern society. Rather interesting selection of films too, most of them having a running time of … Continue reading

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Weird. I just sent in a feature request, for a rather small annoyance in Google Mail: It’s pretty hard to add multiple recipients to an e-mail. Maybe it’s the way how I start off writing an e-mail: I always start … Continue reading

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