Category Archives: Hyperlinks

Who’s next?

Google allowed me to pick out somebody to join the Craze. Who’s next?

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Thanks to Asa, I’m now an official Google Mail user. Or make that a betatester. If I ever get ‘invite friends’ links, beware. I know where you are. In the mean time here’s a couple of hints what to expect: … Continue reading

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Happy Bloomsday!

Happy Bloomsday that is, and at that, I predict that in probably 10 years, humanity has commercialized this particular day. Imagine your grandkids sending eachother Bloomsday cards! Um. No. Please, no. — But it’s no use, says he. Force, hatred, … Continue reading

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Euro 2004 I

I was following the game Germany vs. Holland via the BBC’s ClockWatch. I just had to update my browser so once in a while. At work, you don’t want to draw too much network resources. Later I managed to catch … Continue reading

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Microsoft patents the to-do list

Microsoft patents the ‘to-do’ list. Well, not completely, but it looks awfully close to something we see in modern programming IDEs. Borland’s range of IDEs from C++ to Delphi for example.    method, apparatus, and software are disclosed for assisting a … Continue reading

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So, Ronald Reagan died on the eve of the anniversary of D-Day. Naturally there are a lot of people who praise or just plain ‘footnote’ him, all around the net. And naturally, there is a long discussion over at MetaFilter. … Continue reading

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OK then, I’ll summarize it

The new craze in Bloggetry is purple numbers. If it sounds familiar, you’ve probably already read about it. Most likely you have also read about the cons, as Mark Pilgrim so clearly shows in his ‘Pink Numbers’ entry.# The question … Continue reading

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Garden State

It’s going to be a long summer of obnoxious movies. I, Robot (starring Will Smith, for goodness sake!), Vin Diesel’s ‘Chronicles of Riddick‘ (‘He starts to believe’. Where did I hear that line before?) and naturally, ‘Alien vs. Predator’. Each … Continue reading

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And then there was…what?

The president keeps the gun of Saddam Hussein in arm’s reach, according to this Time article: Sources say that the military had the pistol mounted after the soldiers seized it from Saddam and that it was then presented to the … Continue reading

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Is it already over yet?

I‘m sitting here behind my computer and wondered, ‘What happened to the Tim Hortons Roll Up The Rim contest’? Or should I ask ‘Who won?’. Raise your hands if you won more than 2 donuts. But seriously, I expected more … Continue reading

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Tiny footprint mode

Windows Taskbar screwed? No tabs? Menus gone? Maybe your Taskmanager is running in Tiny Footprint Mode?

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I was reading about Bush’s latest healthcare initiative (no, it’s nothing about faith-based initiatives this time). Basically he wants to create a ‘mid-level’ Health Care IT advisor. Or something to that order. Why? Here’s what he says:    Docs are still … Continue reading

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The Linux server (‘Elsie’) needs to be upgraded. After hours looking for a replacement of the Fedora Core 1 kernel I’m back at Debian. A couple of years ago, Alfons sent up a couple of Debian disks, which I planned … Continue reading

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