Category Archives: Hyperlinks

The Planet Of Channel 9

Just this morning I tried to go through the videos, shot over at MSDN’s ‘Channel 9’. After cancelling a hundred of dialogs displaying security certificates (!!!), I managed to get through some of the videos (note, they’re all WMVs). For … Continue reading

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Search and You Won’t Find

Over at the NYT, an article discussing Google’s new ‘local PC search’ tool. It will be interesting to see how this ‘integrates’ with the browser, and how they plan to be ahead of Microsoft’s search local-engine-plus-DB-to-Web-integration plan. Interesting times ahead, … Continue reading

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Eurovision 2004

In a couple of hours (I think) the yearly Eurovision Song Festival will kick off, which brought me to the BBC’s Eurovision pages. I noticed something silly when going over the contestants list, singers and songtitles: Most titles are in … Continue reading

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Via Mernit’s (and everywhere around), I noticed that Google seems to be adding improvements to their Usenet interface Groups. No rocket-science here or the killer-app, but actually Google’s next step to battle Microsoft. Microsoft has been eyeing UseNet for a … Continue reading

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Snails anyone?

Picture of a giant snail brings me to the following recipe: Pan-Fried Frog’s Legs on Parsley Puree with Garlic Snails. Which leaves the question: where does one find 60 frog’s legs? Not to mention the following rather over-scientific explanation when … Continue reading

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Canada to revamp Copyrights Act?

Via GenX40, Heritage minister Scherrer intends to draft legislation to completely forbid file sharing. Alan closely followed the Canadian digital copyrights cases (and rulings) here, here and here. A Metafilter discussion is here.

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Idol moves for idol

Over at the Whitehouse Interactive, the following question by an Idol fan was answered by nobody else than Scott McLellan: Q:Tiffany, North Canton Middle School, Canton, Ohio: Can you please move the Presidents speech to another time? I want to … Continue reading

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What accent do you have?

Perfect-ly in ti-me for Easter week-end: the Speech Accent Archive (via DevNull). The site has 2 classic examples of Dutch people speaking English (Nijmegen and Amsterdam). Note that I doubt the claims of the Nijmeger speaker that he has an … Continue reading

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A couple of eulogies to Apple’s Hypercard. A hundred of years ago, I remember buying a DOS based ‘Hypercard’ clone, ‘Hyperpad’. Fun, but at the end the concept of ‘stack of cards’ is pretty limited if you want to do … Continue reading

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Do you StarWars?

Americans call it the factor that broke up the Eastern Front. The Star Wars program, and apparently today (23rd) it’s the day that former President Reagan announced his SDI program. I’ll leave it to the experts, but as a kid … Continue reading

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Totally *awesome* Energy Quiz

For some kind of reason I think the Globe and Mail is too heavily involved with advertizers. If you’re a frequent visitor of the paper’s website, you may have noticed the Canadian Nuclear Association advertisements. The latest add beats everything … Continue reading

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Talking about Postgres

It looks like the Windows port of that database server is getting closer to completion. There are a couple of reasons why I’m following this. First of all, working on Postgres databases on both Linux and Windows platforms, I’ve been … Continue reading

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The great country of Oslo

Via MetaFilter, this Yahoo news item made me laugh on the floor: A terrorist group who claims links with Al-Qaida said it was calling a truce in its operations, to see if the new Spanish government would withdraw its troops. … Continue reading

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