Category Archives: Hyperlinks

Dog meets dog

The BBC carries an article about the homeless and the dogs of New York. And the suggestion that ‘walking the dog is a great way to meet people’. As an avid BBC reader (and fan), I question the choice of … Continue reading

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Storm surge of 1953

The BBC’s ‘On this day’ (January 31st of 1953) item got me sidetracked. “A car ferry has sunk in the Irish Sea in one of the worst gales in living memory claiming the lives of up to 130 passengers and … Continue reading

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‘Something went terribly wrong’

And ‘something went terribly wrong’. That’s when the action starts in Doom 3, ID’s latest first person shooter that hasn’t been released yet or ‘hasn’t been rated yet’, as the trailer reveals. But anyways, the trailer reveals a storyline so … Continue reading

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While mindlessly browsing I wondered how many DOS commands have been registered as a domain name. A couple of them (with a brief description taken from the help): (displays output to the screen one at a time), (formats … Continue reading

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I so quite agree, yes

The Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs has come under fire when they introduced their new slogan for a campaign to raise awareness for the European Union (warning: Dutch language-link). Europa. Best Belangrijk. Which translates into English as ‘Europe. Pretty important’. … Continue reading

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Disk full

Via the BBC, a report that Spirit’s problems may have been caused because of an accumulation of files on its internal flash memory banks. Says a development manager: “We were unaware of [the problem] because of the accumulation that happened … Continue reading

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The Ring Thing

The BBC reports on abstinence programmes in the US and the center of discussion around those programmes: “Is it a legitimate response to a clear medical danger, or is it a moral crusade, driven by a specific interpretation of Christian … Continue reading

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Watch your wings, stay put II

It’s Tuesday alright and the Aerial Archives are still not available: well, the website itself appears to be quite busy. A shame. Also, last Sunday, I watched the second installment of the ‘Battlestar Galactica’ pilot. As told earlier, I was … Continue reading

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Watch your wings, stay put.

Alfons managed to make it through the movie ‘Wing Commander’. I discussed it earlier over here. “However I do recommend watching the movie: there is a huge difference between producing a video game and a movie. Wing Commander (the movie) … Continue reading

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Aerial Reconnaissance Archives

The most anticipated launch of a website for 2004 must be the Aerial Reconnaissance Archives. The BBC says the Archives will be online by Monday. However: there is no way to get to that site but Google already lists the … Continue reading

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Back to the Moon

Marshall Brain wonders about the administration’s plans to go back to the moon within 16 years. He thinks this is way too long compared with the progress made in the 60s: “There was no NASA, no Internet, no microprocessors, no … Continue reading

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Mars score card

Via Slashdot comes the Mars Scorecard (link to Slashdot discussion), which starts with the following entry. Various scattered reports detail an invasion force of hundreds at Grovers Mill, NJ from Mars on 1938 October 31 around 01:50:00 UTC. But serious. … Continue reading

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Clue in.

I noticed a couple of links over at Scoble, a blogger I typically don’t care about. But to keep it on topic: he talks about his meetings with the IE team at Microsoft. “Now, about the darn security fixes. These … Continue reading

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