Category Archives: Hyperlinks

Big mouth la-da-di-da

The world officially came to its end when I heard the first tunes of Big Mouth strikes again, the Smiths’ most remarkable song. Well, one of their remarkable songs. All their songs have something so cynical and surreal that nobody … Continue reading

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I’m not a virus!

Everytime a Windows ‘virus’ breaks out I have to laugh. And guess what: the latest variant of Melissa urges you to open that attachment once again but this time with more funny subject lines like ‘I am not a virus!‘. … Continue reading

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Shark bites. Slurp. Googlebot.

Just when I was planning to start off a rant about searchengines and bots, an article (item?) from one of the Gillmor brothers caught my eye. He noticed the extraordinary number of directories that have been excluded for searchbots: most … Continue reading

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Open source

The first topic I read today was about Open Source. Over at Cleverhack two good links and discussions about Open Source and Microsoft. Lindows CEO’s take on Microsoft. Wall Street Journal’s. Also, Slashdot links to a perfect article describing the … Continue reading

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Google apparantly has silently introduced a new feature for their search engine: search through glossaries for words and definitions of those words. Apparently you start this kind of search by adding the ‘define’ keyword to the searchterms (like in ‘define … Continue reading

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Suo Gan

Christmas is coming near, and ATV had the ‘Christmas Daddies’ commercial up, accompanied by the tunes of the lullaby ‘Suo Gan’. I wonder what this song has to do with Christmas. The last time I heard that song was last … Continue reading

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As a programmer I ask questions. That’s part of the job and eventually, it’s part of the nature. You ask questions because there’s a need for an answer: after all, it’s part of trying to find the solution for a … Continue reading

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Child’s play

Let a bunch of kids (preferably ‘Playstation’ generation) play the good old games from the Eighties and magic things happen. Space Invaders: EGM: This game was so popular in Japan that— John: They made it into a TV show? EGM: … Continue reading

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The guy that owns the (self-proclaimed) best page in the Universe comes with the perfect solution to balance a two-wheeled scooter without a gyroscope and other expensive hard and software: just add an extra third wheel.    “Amazing! In fact, the … Continue reading

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‘Leak proof’ Outlook

The BBC dives into the latest Outlook version and notices that it comes with a new ‘leak-proof’ feature. The new version will allow users to make e-mails ‘self-destruct’, restrict other users to read mail or prevent the forwarding of e-mails. … Continue reading

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A toad on steroids

Alfons has a pretty picture of an ugly (new type of) frog, recently found in China. The new frog is a chubby, blob-like animal: scientists describe the find as a help to find out more about evolution of frogs. For … Continue reading

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Orange savings account

Just the odd second ago, I ran into this ING Flash advertisement over at Reuters. It praises their Orange Savings Account. The Dutch bank also has commercials running on major American channels (frequently seen on CNN), advertising their unique banking … Continue reading

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The Ulysses Project

STATELY, PLUMP BUCK MULLIGAN CAME FROM THE STAIRHEAD, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed. A yellow dressinggown, ungirdled, was sustained gently behind him by the mild morning air. He held the bowl … Continue reading

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