Category Archives: Hyperlinks

Space Odyssey explained

Rather an attempt to explain Kubrick’s movie (earlier), but completely in Flash and with sound. Makes some good points, with good animation but has a couple of annoying comments. Only watch this if you have already formed an opinion and … Continue reading

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CSS-2 specs

Over at the W3 organization the best introduction to CSS-2 with good practical examples. Normally, I find W3’s explanations pretty boring, but their Visual Formatting Model document (part of above introduction) on boxes, floats beats any other document out there.

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From revolution to reconstruction

Interesting set of pages covering American history, surprisingly hosted and created by people from the Dutch RUG (Rijks universiteit Groningen). Covers presidents and their most important speeches, biographies of historical persons and more stuff you won’t find at your local … Continue reading

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120 years of electronic music

Via J-Walk’s, 120 years of electronic music1: Starting with Elisha Grey’s Musical Telegraph to nowadays synthesizers. Includes Raymond Scott’s revolutionary Clavivox2, which inspired Bob Moog to start his own (famous) synthesizer company. 1Nov 13, 2012: changed the main url to … Continue reading

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Yesterday, for a change, Larry King had an interesting panel discussing an interesting person, Alfred Hitchcock (link to transcript). Pat Hitchcock (his daughter), Janet Leigh, Tippi Hedren and Eva Marie Saint reminisced on the legendary director. Also, I find it … Continue reading

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Black-out whammy

CNN curled my toes today when AM’s ms. O’Brien mentioned (and showed) the great black-out picture from space. Apparantly CNN is not aware of the Snopes site (of urban legends fame), which named the very same picture a hoax.    “The … Continue reading

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I was looking for a program that mimicks Lotus ScreenCam, and I only found references to an opensourced CamStudio. However, going to the developer’s site brings me to site of the maker of RoboHelp. Which is weird. First the application … Continue reading

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Budget the States

Game as done by AP puts you in the place of the honourable President (via) and brings you the ultimate experience of Live! Action! Budgetting! and Senator! Bribing! (I mean, asking representatives to vote for your bills). For some kind … Continue reading

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Tim Horton’s Roll up the Rim (and don’t win) 2003

Tim Horton’s has just kicked off their 2003 Roll up the Rim campaign, and yes, just like last year, their rules and regulations have been put on-line. A quick summary has been summarized and can be found here for you … Continue reading

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In the park

Uh-Oh. Pardon my Dutch link again: Every country has an organization for ‘social responsible’ television advertisements. The Dutch SIRE for example, is one of those organizations that generally broadcast those (highly original) educational commercials. Apparantly their latest campaign, really ironed … Continue reading

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Rrroll up the rimmm

It’s Rrroll up the Rim time, Horton’s yearly prize contest. Meaning that some of your favourite coffee cups (sizes Medium, Large and Extra Large) may have a prize if you roll up its rim. However, compared with 2000, there’s the slight impression … Continue reading

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