Category Archives: Hyperlinks

Aliens uh?

If you’re bored and feel for a challenge this weekend: I watched a couple of videos online that were interesting enought to share. ‘Alien Planet’ (1h:30m) is a documentary about an imaginative human mission to an inhabited planet (“Darwin IV”) … Continue reading

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Moo (and other stuff)

Earlier today, the WordPress developers released a fix for a security issue in the xml-rpc code. There’s no need to completely upgrade your installation: upgrading overhere is sort of painless and that’s not because of the fact that my host … Continue reading

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Is that a fractal?

The CBC has an excellent slideshow (with audio) about the movie industry’s obsession with evil machines. The slideshow uses the new movie ‘Untraceable’ (starring Diane Lane) as a reference and the columnist narrates us through other examples of evil machine … Continue reading

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18 characters and counting

Via, I found out that the countries that form the EU our slowly moving forward with the introduction of the Single European Payments Area (SEPA). SEPA is a framework for a unified payment system that (should) make European cross-border … Continue reading

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The sound of

This morning, I woke up with the sound of snowplows driving by our house, which to me, is the first hint that it’s time to do some shoveling outside. So, I guess, that’s something I’ll be planning for later. We’ve … Continue reading

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There were some considerable announcements made this week and last week: First of all, there was a buzz on the Postgres list that Sun was going to buy up MySQL. The official announcement at MySQL mentions that it went over … Continue reading

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Oh, wait.

You may have noticed that the Canadian Blog Awards have started: the first voting round is open until January 21st. Xsamplex has been nominated in the Tech category: If you want to vote for me, go ahead. Last year, we … Continue reading

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And then some more

I ran into a couple of surprises this week: First, I noticed that Mozilla now has their own video outlet/pod cast, Air Mozilla (Requires Flash 9). The video cast is spearheaded by Asa Dotzler. Older footage can be found at … Continue reading

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Last night, I decided to follow the Iowa Caucus thing: Apparently Obama and Huckabee are now considered (repectively) Democratic and Republican front runners. I also tuned into to hear their speeches and thought they were dull and boring. This brings … Continue reading

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Bird’s eye view

You may have heard about the death of Benazir Bhutto, who was prime-minister of Pakistan in the Eighties and Nineties. The shocking thing I thought was the fact that this was the second assassination attempt after she returned from exile. … Continue reading

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The Queen has her picture taken

Various news organizations report that the British Queen has launched a YouTube channel (@ YouTube). The Palace promises clips from garden parties, footage from overseas travels, prime ministers and even a day in the life of the Prince of Wales. … Continue reading

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An assortment of links: I was reading this article at More Intelligent Life written by Enid Stubin (who appears to be an assistant-professor of English) and the first comment in the comment section literally says: Brilliant. This chick can actually … Continue reading

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Earlier this week, while fastening new shoelaces I was reminded of the fact that, during my life at my parental home, we (seemingly) never used to run out of shoelaces. I think one of my parents was smart enough to … Continue reading

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