Category Archives: Hyperlinks

You. Read.

Amazon came out with an electronic book called the ‘Kindle’. The regular news sources are mixed about this device. For a company the size of Amazon and the business they’re in (selling books, originally) it makes perfect sense. I’m only … Continue reading

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I, link.

A couple of links I ran into which are worth mentioning and that only for future reference: I discovered NYT’s amazing Multimedia section only because I was looking for photos discussing the Black Sea environmental disaster (discussed earlier, direct link … Continue reading

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Oh. Noes!

Yesterday, my two sets of Ubuntu 7.10 (“Gutsy Gibbon”) arrived by snail-mail, which means that I’ll be upgrading my ‘v1r7u41 b0xen’ this weekend. Once again, the package came with free stickers. Hey, Sun, what’s that? Still no free stickers with … Continue reading

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Who broke it?

You may have witnessed theme switching the last couple nights: it happened so fast that you wouldn’t even know it was me. I’ve been working on changing the layout accordingly, something that involved plenty of PHP stuff because the original … Continue reading

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Don’t Fall, Do Winter.

I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago, and I discovered my gmail account finally has IMAP functionality too. Actually, I’m not using it as of yet. If you’re not familiar with the background of e-mail: your ISP generally provides … Continue reading

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That famous painting (and other links)

Via the BBC I discovered that DaVinci’s ‘Last Supper’ has been digitized and posted to the Internet (actual site). According to the article, the produced image is about 1600 times detailed than a photo from an average DSLR: what can … Continue reading

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Das Assortiment

Assorted links, noteworthy and that: Just last week, an EA executive said that rivaling console makers should concentrate on making a single gaming platform. According to him, incompatible consoles made life harder for both developers and customers. Not surprising, the … Continue reading

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The Duh

I think I saw the announcement of the new Boing-Boing TV on MetaFilter or Reddit, I can’t remember (Oh wait, it was via Laughing Squid). I generally have no problems with videocasts (For example, I always enjoyed watching ‘Rocketboom with … Continue reading

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And then

I‘m pleased to announce that CommentCentral is compatible with WordPress 2.3. Updates for WordPress can be downloaded from the regular site(s). I noticed that the tar-file got corrupted, so you may wish to go for the zip file (I noticed … Continue reading

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The TeleTube

My TubeTrek started with this thread on MetaFilter (which disappeared from the frontpage) with links to all the episodes of ‘Little Mosque On The Prairie’ (CBC, Wikipedia). It’s not an overly funny sitcom: it’s (at times) preachy and maybe this … Continue reading

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Your watermark file is b0rken

My wife noticed weird entries in the apache logs which seem to imply that there’s a cross-site security problem in a file called ‘watermark.php’. The thing is, that I have no idea which software package includes that file but it … Continue reading

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What, Eudora?

I downloaded the first Thunderbird-based Eudora version from Mozilla, after reading about this on Slashdot. Extra caution, if you were ever used to using Eudora in the golden days of Internet: it doesn’t even slightly resemble anything you’ve seen before. … Continue reading

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I was looking for dictionaries the other day after finding myself impressed by Ubuntu’s Dictionary program. I found out that it actually uses the gdict set of XML files, and you can find around the freedict site (you probably need … Continue reading

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