Category Archives: Hyperlinks


Via Smashing Telly, Dawkins’ “Enemies of Reason” (2 parts): Slaves to Superstition and Irrational Health System (I think that’s the title mentioned in Google Video). There is a hilarious scene in the second part, where Dawkins addresses the viewer after … Continue reading

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Today, I received my Solaris kit. The good news is that it arrived here ‘unharmed’. The bad news is that it didn’t come with a sticker. What, you mean, Sun can’t afford sending stickers? And no, Solaris 10 does not … Continue reading

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Via Digg, I think, a NASA/MSNBC/Microsoft collaboration to show off the PhotoSynth technology: Space World. I don’t think I ever mentioned it here before: PhotoSynth is an application that can create interactive/3d-like environments from a set of photos. The technology … Continue reading

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Alfons mentioned the ‘4400’ show, a series I’ve never heard of before. Apparently, it just started on its 4th season on USA Networks (I think it may be carried by NBC, not sure about this). There’s an extensive Wikipedia entry … Continue reading

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Certified Unix

I read that MAC OS X is now officially a certified UNIX product. Apparently you have to pay a lot to be officially branded as such (See Slashdot discussion). If you haven’t, now might be a good time to open … Continue reading

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A couple of days ago, Mashable linked to here (because of my WP plugin CommentCentral), which caused an interesting backlog of affiliated sites to link here too: these sites ranged from other WP-like sites to sites that only show question … Continue reading

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More computer stuff: it was so hot today, that one computer just shutdown on me. Its fan was running constantly and I wasn’t too surprised to see it go out. Better leave it off too. The P-100 gave up earlier … Continue reading

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LCD screens (and savings)

I was reading this article at BBC’s (Gadget threaten energy savings) and was not really surprised about the finding that the larger the LCD screen, the more power they use, eventually, topping regular CRT screens (at and around 24 or … Continue reading

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Is it safe?

Last weekend, I was looking up the Numberwang videos at YouTube (earlier) and discovered that I missed one, the

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The old new

Yesterday, I downloaded the ‘latest’ Eudora: Officially, there’s a team of developers working on the new open-source version of Eudora (based on Thunderbird, or something like that). Progress is slow, I hear (see also the Penelope project page @ Mozilla). … Continue reading

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Meh: Earlier I found out OWL is a web ontology language and that it has nothing to do with the OWL that was wrapped in a box of Borland compilers (Wikipedia on Object Windows Library). Alfons should know more about … Continue reading

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So, you didn’t hear it here first (MetaFilter, Slashdot and Digg links) and to be honest, it caught me a bit by surprise. I’ve mentioned WebKit here before so, I’m not sure why Apple decided to bring the ‘iTunes experience’ … Continue reading

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MT, ToolTips

You may have noticed that version 4.0 of Movable Type has been officially ‘open sourced’ (at Digg). I prefer the rather more correct ‘Movable Type has been relicensed under a less restrictive (or more restrictiver, whichever you fancy) license’. After … Continue reading

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