Category Archives: xsamplex

Programmers are from Earth

The latest popular ‘programming article on a blog’ is “Developers are from Mars, Programmers are from Venus”, which, mind my language, is a piece of crap, obviously written by somebody who is an application developer. It is so full of … Continue reading

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Pluto Redux

Dear neighbourhood astrologer: Recently, the International Astronomer Union (website) decided to downgrade Pluto’s planetary status to ‘dwarf planet’ after a lengthy voting process (results). You may have heard about this via the regular channels, since it has caused quite the … Continue reading

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Rocks and Apples

Donuts 2 hands of milk, approximately the size of adult hands 1 gravel sized yeast. The size of your pink finger’s nail will do. 1 rock size amount of Flour. Find a good size (medium) rock in your yard. 1/2 … Continue reading

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V-J Day

On the eve of V-J day, I was going to start a rant about the Dutch resistance in The Netherlands and particularly, the armed fight of the Dutch (remarkably lead by Communists) against the German forces. The funny thing is … Continue reading

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The real Objective is not an Adjective

During breakfast, English pronunciation came up (yeah, we tend to have endless discussions early in the morning). This time it was the word ‘adjective’ (Webster has a neat ‘pronunciation’ sound file there too). It’s a word I keep pronouncing the … Continue reading

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I have a bakhara on my head

This afternoon, Alfons forwarded a couple of pictures of the Anti-war demonstration in Amsterdam he ran into today (for him that will be yesterday)1. I ended up making a joke about the possibility of intelligence services monitoring these kind of … Continue reading

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I have been watching my e-mail accounts closely and I noticed that I’ve been receiving a lot more sapm per day since July 1st. Most of them target my domain registration E-mail’s address. However, noticably, I’ve been receiving e-mails from … Continue reading

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Reading games reviews on the Internet reminds me of the days (way back) when I literally ate car reviews for breakfast. Numbers, average ratings, I was obsessed with averages. However, reviews based on average (numerical) ratings don’t work: take for … Continue reading

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It’s Alfons’ birthday! Who would have thought.

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The Next Tech Revolution

Soon you can buy these 8 MP cameras with built-in GSM capable phones: why do you want to have a crappy 1.2 MP fuzzy-camera-phone, while the real-deal is just around the corner. Soon available with keyboard and extra wireless mouse. … Continue reading

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The House of Munch

Back when I was younger, I walked to school through 10 foot of snow, in -30 degrees Celsius, 10 miles each day (that is 100 kms in your puny metric system). And back. 390 days a year. When I was … Continue reading

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Earlier this day, a close Dutch relative (understatement) brought up the Dutch word ‘flater’, which had me confused for a couple of seconds: the actual meaning of the word (“a fiasco of gigantic proportions”, I guess you could call that … Continue reading

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Say that again?

Reading a flyer of an unspecified company selling electronic wares like MP3 players and computer stuff I was startled by a slogan next to a picture of a DVD burner: BURN ALL YOUR FILES! Imagine living in the 70s and … Continue reading

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