Category Archives: Wordpress

Wordpress coding

Broken French

Hier, j’ai mis à jour à WordPress 3.0 et remarqué que, malgré les avertissements sur le Web, mon fidèle AHCommentCentral travaillait encore sur OK. Je n’ai pas fait quelque chose pour les sources depuis, peut-être il ya 4 ans. J’ai … Continue reading

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A public service announcement

So, yesterday, I noticed that the WordPress download site was already seeded with the new 2.7 version, while the official blog was still yawning about the RC2 of that version. For no particular reason I decided to deploy it. I’m … Continue reading

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Do Update Now;

Just a couple of minutes ago, I was looking through the wp_posts table and thought enough was enough. There’s a thread over at WordPress where users have been complaining about the bloat and where developers have shrug it off with … Continue reading

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A stump

Earlier, I upgraded this blog to the latest WordPress version and found out that it’s not entirely bugless (that is, besides the validation problems of some portions of the generated output, as pointed out by Shelley). Some general notes follow: … Continue reading

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Me count(*)

I just finished upgrading to WordPress 2.3: so, curious as any developer would be, I took a look in the WordPress database definitions and noticed that three new tables were added. All of them take care of categories and (the … Continue reading

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I forget

I forgot that there was an update for WordPress, followed the regular procedure. I forgot more: while copying data over from one directory to the other I noticed that I missed too many files: Uh, I missed the -R. Then … Continue reading

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There’s a bug in the latest WP version that apparently puts extremely low numbers in the ‘attachment’s’ post_parent field: I haven’t figured out why this happens, but my suspicion is that the defect is in the update query in either … Continue reading

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WP 2.1

Right: I did a WP 2.1 update on a test site on one of my servers at home and, looking at all these superlative comments how WP 2.1 is going to change your life, I’m going to say it: I’m … Continue reading

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I just upgraded to the latest recommended WP version and I’m currently sorting the open issues regarding the (installed) plug-ins. For future reference: ‘How to install your online WordPress locally’. (As a reference, my thoughts on upgrading your WordPress the … Continue reading

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I was doing a quick trial update to move Alfons to the latest known WordPress version locally (on the server called Elsie). Yesterday, I had to download an older version of WordPress to see how my plug-in behaved (it behaves … Continue reading

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I updated the plug-in accordingly but want to issue a warning before you download it: I’m not sure which version of MySQL does or does not support ‘left outer joins’. I think versions > 3.23 should be able to do … Continue reading

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Earlier, I uploaded ‘AHCommentCentral’, which is a plug-in that is supposed to help closing/opening comments and ping/trackbacks in your post sections. For now, you’ll find the initial release right over here. That is, for the daring people who experiment. It’s … Continue reading

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After many moons of bickering and looking around, I decided to take up the gloves and do it myself. Currently I’m using a slightly altered script that ‘automatically’ folds and closes comments after 10 days. This generally works good and … Continue reading

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