Category Archives: Ordinateurs

Computers and that

Find, you

Last weekend, I decided to pick up my Delphi compiler and work a bit on Fandro: in real life, I found out that I wanted to be able to launch Fandro from Explorer’s context-sensitive menu and henceforth, I worked on … Continue reading

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You asked: Linksys WPSM54G

My WPS54G just died yesterday: this is a Linksys (nee Cisco) Printerserver that supports a whole slew of USB based printers. I had it tied up to my Canon MF5650 printer and if I remember correctly, installing was as easy … Continue reading

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You asked: KDE or Gnome?

I work in both environments: that is, whenever I think there’s a need for working in KDE or Gnome, I just logout and change session (I have both window managers installed). But that wouldn’t really answer the question, I guess. … Continue reading

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Notepad Haiku

Aghast. Is there no notepad on my Ubuntu? Wine to the rescue. Obviously, a lot of people helped in getting Notepad to run under Wine.

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You can

There is nothing as glorious as opening up a terminal session on my spare Ubuntu laptop and log right into my server. That is, without downloading either Putty or a host of other MingW/Cygwin utilities on Windows. You guessed it: … Continue reading

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Dragon Age: Origins

I finished my first ‘Dragon Age’ (official site, Wikipedia) run earlier this weekend, so I thought a write-up was an excellent start of the year of 2010. You may have heard of ‘Dragon Age’, most likely because it received excellent … Continue reading

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Games redux

I finally managed to find some time to play a couple of rounds of ‘Civilization 4: Beyond the Sword’ (2007) and while I’m hesitant to judge it right now, I’m not overly enthusiastic about it (previously.). Particularly considering the current … Continue reading

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Elite 25

Via-via, I heard about the 25th anniversary of the computer game ‘Elite’ (Wikipedia), indeed as Wikipedia calls it, the seminal Space/Trading/Combat game released in September of 1984. It was first released for an Acorn BBC and over the years it … Continue reading

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Arma 2

Earlier this month, I decided to get Arma 2 (official site), which is a tactical first person shooter produced by Czech game maker Bohemia Interactive. Originally, BI wrote Operation Flashpoint (which in turn was published by CodeMasters), but both companies … Continue reading

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Wear soft

A couple of thoughts that crossed my mind: Ever since I installed Civ4 on this Vista 64-bit machine (which didn’t go all too well, if I remember correctly) I ‘ve found myself start to dislike the game: I think ever … Continue reading

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Other than that

On Windows, I’ve been solely using Google’s Chrome browser, leaving my Firefox copy at bay: Firefox only gets into action if I need to confirm that Chrome’s cache-loading-stuff has gone amuck again. Yesterday, for example we suddenly lost connection to … Continue reading

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For what it’s worth: Don’t bother looking for a complete IDE for Javascript development. They’re out there, but they don’t work and come with a huge payload of crap that needs to be installed for your popular browser. You may … Continue reading

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A circular thing

I‘m extremely impressed with the Google Chrome download indicator: for some kind of reason, a circular progress meter makes a lot more sense than a linear one. Maybe it’s because of Pi. Since I was so impressed and because it … Continue reading

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