Category Archives: Ordinateurs

Computers and that

In Reverse

I thought this article (‘Learning the iTunesDB file format’) was an excellent background on the principles of reverse-engineering existing binary file-formats. I’ve done some ‘clean room’ reverse-engineering too and at the end of the project, I was able to extract … Continue reading

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FarCry 2

The only reason why I got FarCry 2 is that I find the concept of ‘”Sandbox” First Person Shooter’ games extremely compelling. I think the idea started with ‘Oblivion’ (discussed earlier, thanks Alfons), where players could wander about and around … Continue reading

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If you weren’t aware of it, K/Ubuntu 8.10 is about to be released in a couple of days, actually, to be exact, on October 30th. I’ve seen the casual screenshots around of sand-brownish looking desktops and windows-dressing. Those reviews all … Continue reading

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During my programming career, I’ve ran into several cases where I absolutely had to use owner-draw to accomplish customized drawing. Originally, as a Delphi programmer, this required knowledge of the specific graphic wrappers around the Windows GDI (and GDI+) functions … Continue reading

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I read this article at SecurityFocus “Analyzing Malicious SSH Login Attempts”, which apparently was written over 2 years ago. The article goes over some statistics collected over a period of 22 days and points out interesting things I’ve seen before … Continue reading

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Between all the ripping of my (legally) purchased DVDs and transcoding them to the proper format for my iPod I found out that most of the applications that I used have something in common (from Videora [free] to Mediacoder (open … Continue reading

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Four, then II

Observations on KDE 4.1: 1. Everytime I restarted, Kate (the editor) and Kopete kept starting up: I didn’t find any references to these programs in the regular location (.kde4/Autostart), so I did a grep on ps (as in ‘ps -e … Continue reading

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Four, then

I decided to give KDE 4.1 a go on my current Ubuntu (Hardy Heron) install: There are many sites around with instructions how to install KDE on your Gnome-enabled installation, so I won’t go in too many details. The idea … Continue reading

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Do Update Now;

Just a couple of minutes ago, I was looking through the wp_posts table and thought enough was enough. There’s a thread over at WordPress where users have been complaining about the bloat and where developers have shrug it off with … Continue reading

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I had troubles with a patched up version of the Flashplayer 10 plugin (Ubuntu-non-free) this weekend and I wasn’t surprised to see a new patch being applied just a couple of hours ago. Additionally, it looks like a Firefox patch … Continue reading

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I thought Mark’s posting about the new Adobe Acrobat 9 was the hilarious. If you’re into more snark, try the Adobe Acrobat 9 installation guide as done by the MicroPledge site. After the unpacking, the install process itself took 10 … Continue reading

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Unused icons.

When I was playing Call of Duty 4 online (earlier on xsamplex), I used to have a running joke when fellow PC players always asked me about my favourite mouse configuration: I said I was actually playing the game on … Continue reading

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En. Ix.

I haven’t touched my (personal) Windows laptop for a while: mainly because, I’ve been (primarily) using Ubuntu for things I normally did on Windows. This is both a good and bad sign: First of all, I’ve settled on using specific … Continue reading

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