Category Archives: Moveable-Types

May 4th/May 5th

With Canada’s political parties in a hubris because of an upcoming showdown vote in the House of Commons, most (invited) MPs and prime minister have opted not to attend the 60th anniversary of the Liberation in the Netherlands (Dutch). (more … Continue reading

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Back up after days of deliberations and things and things. The hardest part was actually deciding to go forward or wait for data to come back from Alfons’ server. I’ll end up reimporting that data: most likely I have to … Continue reading

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Apply math. Get food.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc eu lorem. Ut fringilla libero ac felis. Integer elementum rhoncus nunc. Ut sed mauris. Recipe File Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse in felis. Maecenas tortor ipsum, tincidunt ac, ullamcorper et, feugiat vitae, quam. … Continue reading

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Layout changes

I managed to change the layout once again, basically to reflect the ‘No-Nonsense’ feeling. Additional changes are yet to come for the categories page and other archiving matters. It did cost me time to get this layout right, and I … Continue reading

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Calendar stuff

I added the navigation to the calendar: See the little ‘arrows’ in the calendar? Note: clicking that arrow actually brings you to the ‘Monthly archive’ and as you can see, I had to add the sidebar to that template.

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Tabs and categories

A couple of tips on what I did with the tabs and the Movie entries (as shown above/on top of this page). Naturally, the idea is to categorize the entries you want to show as a tab, or in case … Continue reading

Posted in Moveable-Types | 2 Comments

Static pages in MT

I found a way to add static pages to a Movable Type blog, since I’m too lazy to go FTP/SCP. Scroll a bit down to ‘Adding an about page’. An example here is the Disclaimer page which I used to … Continue reading

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