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Category Archives: The Chest Desire
Yo. Uh. No.
Earlier I mowed the front part of the lawn and by the time I was finished, I saw the fog roll in. By tonight, I won’t be able to see my lawn so, what was the point of mowing the … Continue reading
Posted in The Chest Desire
Tagged Alien, Body Snatchers, Invasion, Nicole Kidman
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What definition?
Yesterday, while watching Dream Warriors’ “My Definition of a boombastic jazz style” video-clip, I was amazed about the visuals used in that video. The clip prominently features (besides a lot of colours and pantomime) the (artistic) use of a focal … Continue reading
The Soviets are here
I was going to write an anecdotal posting about that ‘Red Dawn’ movie (earlier) after I saw it mentioned (or referenced to) in a ‘Scrubs’ rerun (‘Wolverines!’). Yeah, uh, no, I don’t think I’d like to think of that movie. … Continue reading
Posted in The Chest Desire, xsamplex
Tagged Cold War, humour, McDonalds
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The Tele and then that
I read that CBS’s Evening News is falling behind in rates (originally via Alan). Some media reports blame this on America’s first (female) anchor, Kate Couric. And a recent Gallup poll reinforced the notion that Ms. Couric had become a … Continue reading
America at a crossroad
All week, the PBS has been broadcasting an excellent series about the challenges we face in the world, particularly the conflicts between the religious and the secular worlds. Watching the series, I thought that the name of the series was … Continue reading
Back & Subtitles
Yesterday, I found out that the History Channel was showing ‘Das Boot’, which is one of the movies I can watch a multiple times in a year (earlier). Let me guess: in the Summer of 2007, History Channel will repeat … Continue reading
I learnt that Jeff Goldblum is starring in a new TV show, ‘Raines’. I think the show is on NBC, every Friday night. I read the show is about, wait, let me pull a quote from the site mentioned earlier: … Continue reading
The Horrors
Yesterday, we watched ‘Contact’ (1997) and ‘Silent Hill’ (2006). Quite the combination to watch on a stormy Fall night. Contact, starring Jodie Foster, is an adaption of a novel by astronomer Carl Sagan and features good effects and a compelling … Continue reading
Posted in The Chest Desire
The bulge, huh?
Last night, The History Channel showed ‘The Battle of the bulge’, a typical 60s/70s war movie depicting the 1944 hard fought battle in the Ardennes. Typical, because it features many big screen stars in a story that is not soo … Continue reading
Posted in The Chest Desire
Fire walk uh
Earlier this morning, I decided to watch the first couple (5) episodes of ‘Twin Peaks’ (You Tube). Watching the series (conceived by David Lynch), I was surprised how good the first episodes are: I find older shows typically boring nowadays … Continue reading
Posted in The Chest Desire
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Amsterdamned !!?
For no particular reason, I was reminded of the movie ‘Amsterdamned’ (1988, IMDB description), a fine Dutch thriller / horror about a scuba diver with a large blade. Or something like that. I can’t really remember the details except for … Continue reading
Posted in Hyperlinks, The Chest Desire
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V for uninspiring
Two movies today: ‘An unfinished life’ and ‘V for Vendetta’. The first one had the unlikely combination of Redford and Lopez (Jennifer that is), which ended up to be a match that, well, didn’t match Lopez. The story itself was … Continue reading
Posted in The Chest Desire