Category Archives: The Chest Desire

Tron (1982)

Tron. For some kind of reasons I keep thinking of BASIC (the language) commands ‘tron’ and ‘troff’, effectively meaning something like (respectively) ‘trace on’ and ‘trace off’. I think it showed the line numbers of execution, but I can’t remember … Continue reading

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Red Water (2003)

Yesterday, TBS (self proclaimed ‘Superchannel’) had their ‘original movie’ ‘Red Water’ on the programming. And trust me, it was bad. My wife and I started betting who would be killed in the movie and we were almost right. The guy … Continue reading

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Wing Commander (1999)

A long time ago, Origin Software had a talented programmer called Chris Roberts who designed the first Space Combat similator for the PC. The game was revolutionary for that time, and pushed the limits for hardware requirements. Traditionally, Origin pumped out a couple of … Continue reading

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Mission to Mars (2000)

Brian de Palma’s ‘Mission to Mars‘ is one of those rare movies that didn’t make it quite in the cinema, despite the reviews. The movie tells the tale of a rescue mission to Mars. We have seen dozen of those … Continue reading

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Saving Private Ryan (1998)

ABC had the ‘traditional’ Veteran’s Day movie and again it was ‘Saving Private Ryan‘. Directed by Spielberg, the movie sports Tom Hanks, Matt Damon and a bunch of others. A fictional movie about a bunch of Rangers who’s mission is … Continue reading

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The Ring (2002)

We decided to catch a movie, and this night it was The Ring. The movie apparantly a remake of a Japanese movie, Ringu. And apparantly that movie also scared a lot of people. Before I end up in a rant … Continue reading

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The Astronaut’s Wife (1999)

I noticed this movie last night when checking the TV timetables. Johnny Depp it said. And a bit of Sci-Fi and horror. Anyways, The Astronaut’s Wife is a mix of a horror and sci-fi. The story is intriguing: two astronauts lose contact … Continue reading

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Jackie Brown (1997)

I had a bunch of movies on the ‘Screen of desire’ list to check on to, but I’ll start out with Jackie Brown. If I’m not wrong, the second movie of Quentin Tarantino, the self-taught director of the hit Pulp … Continue reading

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A Thin Red Line

The movie A Thin Red Line, directed by Terrence Malick and based on the autobiographical novel of James Jones (1962), tells the tale of the Charlie Company involved in the battle around Guadalcanal. Published around the time of Spielberg’s ‘Saving … Continue reading

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True Lies (1994)

I‘ve watched several Schwarzenegger movies and there’s something that came up my mind the other day: Schwarzenegger always has the best ‘one-liners’. I’m wondering, if script-writers (directors?) especially for him change the script. I’ve never seen him saying too much. … Continue reading

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The Saint (1997)

Also known under the name of ‘Frequently Asked Questions about my Nokia Communicator’. The year that this movie was released the Nokia cellphone annex portable computer was heavily advertised. With splashy scenes of the movie. Val Kilmer plays the role of … Continue reading

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Das Boot (1981)

Das Boot was shown at the History Channel, last night. It’s Sub-week at that channel and I think they have a Sub-week every year. Thus showing every known submarine movie over and again. However, Das Boot (the Director’s Cut, originally a … Continue reading

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Wargames (1983)

In 1983, the world was different. In Europe, people demonstrated against nuclear missiles, were afraid of the Red Invasion or the always ‘around the corner’ threat of a nuclear attack. The movie Wargames was probably one of the most ‘pertinent’ … Continue reading

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