Monthly Archives: September 2003

Eulogy for Elsie

Last Tuesday we put Elsie MacKay to rest in New Germany. The following is the eulogy I wrote for the memorial service in Truro’s United Church. It’s put here for reference purposes only.

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Hurricane Juan V

We’re getting closer to landfall and apparantly HRM (Halifax Regional Municipality) has announced a local state of emergency, expecting a storm surge of 5 feet above normal high tide levels. Additionally the HRM announced safe locations for the people in … Continue reading

Posted in Truro NS | 1 Comment

Hurricane Juan IV

Winds have picked up here too, but no rain yet in sight. I noticed that the hurricane track pages over at the WeatherOffice are getting popular since downloading the pictures is getting slower and slower. Please have mercy with the … Continue reading

Posted in Truro NS | 1 Comment

Hurricane Juan III

Local station ATV is on top of the hurricane and had (sober) coverage from several sites. Reminded me of a perfect commercial for Nova Scotia, since most well known pittoresque places were mentioned. Mahone Bay, Peggy’s Cove, Halifax Harbour and … Continue reading

Posted in Truro NS | 1 Comment

Hurricane Juan II

Juan disturbed our daily schedule. We decided to get a couple of bottles of water and fill up some 10 liter bottles we have had for years in our storage. Additionally we decided to get a couple of extra candles, … Continue reading

Posted in Truro NS | 3 Comments

Destroy your computer

A bunch of (self-proclaimed) computer addicts have participated in a competition to destroy their hardware in a spectacular way. 300 people in the city of Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, ‘kicked mice’, ‘threw keyboards’ and ‘creatively destroyed monitors’. Ironically, the price for doing … Continue reading

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Hurricane Juan

Hurricane Juan is heading for Nova Scotia and weather warnings are currently in effect. A kind of silly, though: both my wife and I had lost track of any recent news, so when my mom’s sister told us about the … Continue reading

Posted in Truro NS | 1 Comment

Hi Mom!

I remember that I was in doubt how to call you: Elsie or just ‘mom’. We were talking on the phone. I remember my staggering English, but eventually we both concluded that calling you mom was fine: I was going … Continue reading

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Verslagenheid, was the word my brother mentioned when I talked to him last night. I couldn’t find the right word in English, but the Dutch word is the perfect one to describe the situation. It’s that feeling of losing a … Continue reading

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On pop-ups

My wife ran into a pop-up that looks like the same as the one over over at this group at Google. Naturally, she was suspicious and warned me, before she did anything. I’m rather surprised how far people go to … Continue reading

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Apply math. Get food.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc eu lorem. Ut fringilla libero ac felis. Integer elementum rhoncus nunc. Ut sed mauris. Recipe File Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse in felis. Maecenas tortor ipsum, tincidunt ac, ullamcorper et, feugiat vitae, quam. … Continue reading

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Isabel blog

The media was out there covering hurricane Isabel. CNN had 3 reporters out and all of them showcased their experience covering Mother Nature like a regular football event. Watch Jeff Flock’s hairdo blow away! No: Watch Susan Candiotti’s waterproof lipchap!. … Continue reading

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Hardware makers sued

More Reuters: the agency reports that a group of computer owners has filed a lawsuit against hardware and computermakers, claiming that their advertising is deceptive, overstating the true size of harddrives. The suit names Apple, Dell, Gateway, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Sharp, … Continue reading

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