Monthly Archives: September 2003

MORE …of the same…

Earlier this morning, at Political Cartoons (which resolves to Slate’s, so you may just as well click the latter link) I found this cartoon of Mike Lane, illustrating the burning of money in Iraq, with Bush (I presume) yelling ‘More … Continue reading

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Atlantic Film Festival 2003

The 23rd Atlantic Film Festival has started. Last year I noted that they had problems with their website, but this year it looks all fine to me. Well. Except for the use of that blinking text. And it shows in … Continue reading

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Little mermaid

Some vandals knocked the most famous mermaid off her perch. We’re naturally talking about Copenhagen’s 90 year old bronze Little Mermaid, the one that oversees the city’s harbour. The Mermaid has been subject to a couple of repeated vandalism: she … Continue reading

Posted in Truro NS | 2 Comments

Volcano thing

Report over at the Online Journal (via MetaFilter): apparantly there’s something brewing underneath the Yellowstone park: geologists suspect that a masssive supervolcano is lurking and possibly about to erupt. The vulcano is long overdue too: its regular eruption cycle is … Continue reading

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English English (revisited)

Earlier I was talking about the perfect English as spoken by Alfons. Over at kottke there’s a thread about bilangual conversations in which I mention the near-perfect institutionalized English of the Dutch people. It reminds me of a phone call … Continue reading

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Distributed weather stuff

Bored with your SETI online screensaver? Try a climate model! Via the BBC, a collaboration between the universities of Oxford and Reading, the Met Office, the Open University, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, and Tessella Support Services, resulted in a new … Continue reading

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Bridging the divide

The BBC opened up some space for an interesting series called ‘Bridging the divide’, to discuss, explore and (hopefully) bridge the differences between the West and the Islam. Yesterday they had a quite candid and open interview with president Musharraf … Continue reading

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Listen to the movies

I don’t know if this is legal, but it’s hilarious for sure: someone decided to rip off the complete audio of a bunch of movies, export them to Flash and make them available for everyone to hear and to enjoy. … Continue reading

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What went wrong?

The Iranian conjoined twin wanted to have a separate life. The doctors wanted to be added to the history book. And it went wrong. Wired reports how a piece of software led surgeons to oversee a critical vein:    “At that … Continue reading

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Two years ago

Two years ago, when we lived in the other part of Truro, I tried to log-on to the regular news sources and noticed that they were either jammed or clogged up. There was a notice that something had happened in … Continue reading

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The International Air Transport Association says that passengers are discriminated in Canada: a recent report notices that flyers to and from Canada pay $24 extra for a return flight, while the domestic ones only pay 14 dollars. The international organization … Continue reading

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Earlier this week Alfons recalled Edie Brickell’s ‘Good Times’ video, which was included with the Windows 95 installation (or better yet, it was optional). Apparently the Windows 95 release threw Edie Brickell (literally) in the spotlight, where forums and newsgroups … Continue reading

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Today it would have been Raymond Scott’s 95th birthday. If you’re not familiar with the name, picture the Looney Tunes cartoons without the music. It’s practically impossible. And although Scott never intentionally wrote music for cartoons (he may not even … Continue reading

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