Monthly Archives: September 2003

2003: Or How We Managed To Delete The Internet

Now from within your browser: delete any web page (or website) with the click of a button. Remember those days of handcrafted HTML pages? Now you can finally start your Internet presence with a clean sheet! No more laughing relatives, … Continue reading

Posted in xsamplex | 1 Comment

Weekend thoughts

I was just thinking about Fabian, that bunch of clouds that tortured our Commonwealth buddies of Bermuda. It’s not heading our way but will be drifting off into the wide Atlantic, to end up as a major (I almost said … Continue reading

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Scare one

Apparantly there was a bombscare at our bank over in town, which led to bizarre situations. First of all a police officer led people in one by one, meaning that (for a Friday) there was a long line-up in front … Continue reading

Posted in Truro NS | 2 Comments

Space Odyssey explained

Rather an attempt to explain Kubrick’s movie (earlier), but completely in Flash and with sound. Makes some good points, with good animation but has a couple of annoying comments. Only watch this if you have already formed an opinion and … Continue reading

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Krispy Kreme

I noticed that Krispy Kreme (the major donut maker, store and ‘restaurant’ in America) is making inroads in Europe. Donuts anyone? Thank you very much, but no: Canadians and others have gotten used to their local Tim Hortons, which offers … Continue reading

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Borneo elephants gain subspecies status

DNA sampling seems to confirm that Borneo elephants are (or rather have become) a subspecies of the elephant race: apparantly Borneo elephants were seperated from their relatives about 300,000 years ago. Borneo’s ‘pygmee’ elephants are significantly smaller, have relatively bigger … Continue reading

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Past tense Fabian

Over at Reuters an article about the tropical storm Fabian. It’s slowly (or fast) making progress towards Bermuda, possibly threatening the island. However, the whole article is written in the past tense and for that reason it’s weird to read. … Continue reading

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For the first time in 122 years

Well, the planet Venus will transit the Sun. The good thing is that it happens on my (our) birthday, June 8th of 2004 and apparantly you should be watching it in Rome. One of the amazing parts of these cosmic … Continue reading

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Rosetta mission

Yesterday’s topic of the day about that asteroid (earlier) caused networks to look forward to one of ESA’s missions, Rosetta. The spacecraft will be launched in February of 2004 and is expected to send a lander (artistic impressions) to the … Continue reading

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We read Slashdot for the what?

Over three years ago, I was obsessed with the court transcriptions of the DeCSS/DVD case. Reading one of the transcripts I submitted the following quote to Techdirt: “Transcript of Trial – Day 4, MPAA v. 2600 NY; July 20, 2000: … Continue reading

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Fabian moving up to the Atlantic

Via the Herald, news that the hurricane Fabian is slowly moving into the direction of the province of NS. Current predictions suggest that the hurricane will be in our region next Sunday. Over at the Canadian Weather Office, actually a … Continue reading

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MIME stuff

Earlier this week someone (hi Marcos) notified me that one mailer apparantly breaks up attachments in RB. I traced the problem to the following difference: [RB] Content-type: ….[cut] Name=RB settings mods.txt [Npop] Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=”readme.txt” I’m totally confused. … Continue reading

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Oh. Good news then.

Apparantly the asteroid that was supposed to hit us in 2014, isn’t going to hit us. False alarm, say the scientists from NASA’s JPL (sorry for the pop-ups). After extensive simulations the JPL was able to plot a more ‘detailed’ … Continue reading

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