And more around

Earlier today, I received 100 extra experience points by using a chainsaw on a couple of tree branches left behind by one of last Winter’s storms. Cleaning up the saw afterwards, is a completely different matter.

I saw and read about Colberts stint at the National White House Correspondents’ dinner and was absolutely surprised. The parts I liked were the jokes about the glaciers and the Hindenburg comparison. Soaring. Absolutely funny. Guts to stand in front of the press and president and throw out biting satire.

And then I read that John Kenneth Galbraith died at age 97 (CBC, Wikipedia), which is a good age to die. I only mention it here because I remember either a book (or a publication) he wrote about the Allied bombing of Germany, in which he concluded that it did not help shorten the war.

Hey! ‘Riddick: escape from butcher bay’ (IMDB)is actually a better game than ‘Doom 3’. I wonder which engine was used for the game.

And lastly: Alfons forwarded me a link to some of his photos showcasing one of his lenses.

  1. Colbert’s performance discussed at Metafilter. You Tube video here: part 1, part 2 and part 3
  3. Links above are dead (removed due to copyrights infringement). However, Google Video still carries the video.

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