Ahead of the head

This week, Da Vinci Code movie and book will mark the official release of the ‘DaVinci Code’ movie (worldwide release). Religious people may avoid it, conspiracy fans will love it. I says ‘meh’. Meh. I still think of the lousy ‘puzzles’ in the book. Hey, I’m not the only one that was looking for mistakes.

‘Munich’ will be released this Tuesday. Spielberg’s ‘darkest’ movie, did pretty good at the box office and probably will also do good in the DVD sales.

Here be a virtual tour of Macchu Picchu. Don’t bother: it’s so popular that the site has exceeded all bandwidth limits you can ever dream of1.

The Invasion Of The Ticks! Blame the hot weather. My prediction seems to be still standing. It’s going to be a hot Summer.

1update 05/19: They’re back!

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