
By coincidence I found the site of Imogen Heap (her picture was featured on FlickR). I like it, but I’m not into music. I hate music. I’m as you’ve found out, a proud reformed ‘music listener’. Music kills. Secondhand music kills too. Here’s an example Alfons mentioned earlier this week: There’s a piece of his favourite composer that uses a meter of 5½/8 1. I have a hard time imagining what that might sound like: it probably has a clear rythm, but the music, I’m not sure of. I’ll make a prediction: Thanks to modern synthesizers, in about 5 or 10 years, nobody will know how to compose 5½/8 music. After all your generic sequencer does only support boring meters like 4/4 and 3/4. For others, you probably have to resort to paper.

Fair enough about the music: Other stuff. The Dutch embassador of Estland is leaving Estland because of homohate and racism. His Cuban partner was often subjected to harrassment and public threats. I thought this was weird news particularly since I expected most Europeans to be comfortable with gay couples. In a way it reminded me of the President’s support for a constitutional amendment which defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Hey, but what about Mickey and Minny Mouse?

Hey: you can run out of the heap space, did you know that? Oh: and a thread is like a freightliner. Two threads is like two freightliners. Think of it: how would freightliner A tell freightliner B to stop speeding?

1 Other known HTML entities

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