If David Lynch…

If David Lynch had directed ‘Return of The Jedi’, would we have seen a different ‘Star Wars’?

I wasn’t aware of this fact nugget: that indeed he was asked by Lucas to direct ‘Return of the Jedi’. Lynch’s comment on his refusal to be part of Star Wars:

  “Because it was George Lucas’ film. He had already designed these little–bears; he had already done all this stuff. I didn’t understand why he wanted another director to come in. It would really be George’s puppet on a string and I couldn’t see what my value would be. So it was very friendly. I was flattered that George even wanted me to. But I think he should direct those himself. They’re his things.”

We may have ended with better dialogues, as Roger Ebert finds out (once again) in his review of ‘Sith’ (most of it positive):

 “To say that George Lucas cannot write a love scene is an understatement; greeting cards have expressed more passion.”

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