Dogs and Video Games.

With he dust settling at Parliament Hill, that is after the crucial voting yesterday, there were plenty of interviews with politicians, analysts, experts and others today.

Before I go over to today’s stuff, there was one weird moment during last night’s televization of the Vote of Confidence 2005 (cue in: tune of Dragnet): when it was the NDP’s turn to start voting on Bill C-38, the camera panned to the corner, to show NDP MPs congratulating each other and mr. Layton. Maybe I was the only one to notice, but did I see mr. Ed Broadbent smile and wink at mr. Layton, or was that just my imagination?

Today: There was a brief interlude with mr. Peter McKay, vice-vice-vice-leader (can’t think of the right word) of the Conservative Party. On being asked what he was going to do over the weekend he told the press: ‘Walk my dog. At least dogs are loyal‘. Ha-ha-ha. The laughter. Such a smart and funny remark!

I noticed that the Dutch “No” Camp is gaining traction in the Netherlands. That’s no against a new European constitution and they (the Dutch) apparently vote on it in a special referendum. However, the referendum itself is purely consultative, which means that politicians will take note of any (any) opposition. Sure.

And then the question that has been sitting on this table for way too long: are video games only for men? Dogs are, apparently.

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