And then some tech

Earlier, Google announced that it is taking over YouTube1, the popular video sharing site. There was a lot of speculation last week and rumours were abound about what would happen if Google bought YouTube, with many ‘experts’ expecting lawyers readying their bankaccounts. We shall see.

Last week, Google also rolled out ‘Google Code search’, a search engine to find sourcecode. A word of caution if you’re a commercial developer: most of the code is covered by the GPL. That said, there was quite the buzz about the features where analysts and other experts suggested that ‘Hackers Could Now Finally Reverse Engineer Passwords and that and the end of civilization is night because the source is all open and bare and that’. Yeah, that figures: I mean, what is their definition of ‘Open Source’?

Yesterday I watched some scenes of ‘Mythbusters’ (warning FLASH), the ever popular Discovery Channel show. I’m not sure what the point of it all is: yesterday’s myths being busted were the ‘security features regularly shown in Hollywood movies’ (like laser security and that). So the moral of the story of last night episode is that, Hollywood movies don’t really tell the truth. I didn’t know that. But definitely fun to watch.

1 Official Google press release

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