Another cursed bloggy game

Alan tagged me in the me-me book scheme.

Number of books I own

Uh. A couple over here. A bit more overthere. Over the years living here, I have only bought 3 books and that only to entertain me during last year’s flight back home. I should have more books over in Holland (boxed up): most of them are dictionaries (probably between the 20-30 or so) and 4 or 5 different versions of ‘Ulysses’. Computer books too. Don’t ask me.

Last book I bought

I did buy a novel, a week ago! (gasp) But since it was a birthday present, I don’t think it’s smart to reveal its title (or author) on a public (ahem) site.
My last books would be the ones I bought last year: the ‘Thomas Convenant’ series from S. Donaldson. Besides entertainment on the plane, the particular reason to buy it was because the last time I read them I was probably 15 years old and they were all in Dutch. I thought it might be funny to read them in English for change.

Last book I read

A scientific book about the evolution of brains. I borrowed this from Alfons so I could read something on my way back to Canada (I traded the Convenant, you see). Magnificent book. [reminder to self: find the book] (upd: ‘Phantoms in the brain’)

Five books that mean a lot to me

Only three for now.

1. Ulyssus – James Joyce: this was an awakening provided by Alfons who patiently explained the hints, clues and metaphors. And the importance of the book. You should read it.

2. The Trial – Franz Kafka

3. Winkler Prins encyclopedias (for triggering curiosity).

There’s probably more I can think of, but actually can’t name them. Plenty of them.

Update 08/06/05: The title of the book, the one that I didn’t mention above (the worst kept secret, I hear) has finally been revealed!

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One Response to Another cursed bloggy game

  1. alfons says:

    I received the Mysterious Flame Of Queen Loana. From what I have read until now (first part) I can only say it’s a great novel.

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