Huh. Huh?!?

While returning back to some older ADO/DAO stuff (earlier on xsamplex), I decided to take a look behind the scenes: the ADO/MDAC SDK comes -uh- with a set of tools to help developers find out problems with ODBC drivers and specific ODBC related functions.

One of these tools is (appropriately) called ‘ODBC test’ and running it on Windows XP, the program looks like the pinnacle of Windows 3.1 applications1. It does the job, though. That said, running the different functions that show the typical ODBC datasets (Schemas, columns and provider specific types), I noticed that the program doesn’t use the same field names constants as the ones shown in the SDK.

You’ve been warned.

1 Pre-ctrl3d stuff.

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2 Responses to Huh. Huh?!?

  1. alfons says:

    Try Squirrel. Or Toad.

  2. Arthur says:

    Try Squirrel. Or Toad.

    Squirrel I’ve seen before. Toad seems to be geared to specific databases.

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