Dreaded – rain

Earlier, Watertorenwe decided to head out with camera gear and walk towards a place we call ‘the deer park’. We struck up a brief conversation with a lady, kids and their grandfather, who were astonished to see that a (majestic) older tree had been cut up, apparently just recently. ‘I don’t remember any trees here’, I said, ‘but then I’ve not been around here for a while’. The conversation ended with a warning that I’d be in for a surprise if I saw the deer park.

I thought I recognized a passer-by too, but that may have been my imagination: if you’re gone for a while and you’re sentimental, everybody looks the same. While I reminisced about the thought of having missed an opportunity, bad luck struck and rain started to pour down in buckets, cutting short our intentions for a long walk.

Maybe it’ll be a better day tomorrow.

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