The weather at night seems to be going slowly downhill: tomorrow morning we’ll be hitting temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. This is probably a good thing, hurricane-wise (I was thinking of hurrican Dean), albeit a bit too early in the season. It’s still supposed to be Summer.
Earlier we managed to go by everyone’s favourite super store (which I shall not name here) to pick up a copy of the ‘Band Of Brothers’ DVD set (it’s priced around 64 CDN). While looking around, I jokingly told the better half that even the (in-store and on-display) macaroni-salad is made and produced in China nowadays.
The NS Provincial Exhibition (NSPE) will open its doors until next Saturday: I’m not sure if I ever mentioned this before, but the NSPE is the single biggest event in this region. And this is probably remarkable: In the years I’ve been living here, I’ve never been there.