Superman (1978)

It must have been Canada day today. Oh wait, it was. Bravo (the channel) pounded with another movie out of its movies bag: Superman.

What else can I say about this movie? It’s not a bird, nor a plane,
but it’s Christopher Reeve in his funny blue pants: Saving the world
from accidents waiting to happen. As a kid I thought this was a hell of
a movie, and nowadays it reasonably stands the time. The effects are
still worth looking at, the music is still great (I mistook the
intro for Star Wars, only to discover that the yellow subtitles
were missing), Marlon Brando looks great in his neon-white suit and
Margot Kidder was really cute those days.

I flipped channels when I heard Superman exclaiming ‘I fight for
truth, justice and the American Way’. That explains why he’s only
sighted in America and UFOs are sighted in Scotland.

At least I understand why the balcony scene is probably the most memorable part of the movie.

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