Bikes and Booleans

Today I
did succesfully testdrive my new (rather, secondhand) bike. Plus the
helmet. There’s still a lot to fix, besides cleaning up the chain and derailleur, but at least it was fun to drive the bicycle after abstaining for three years (I hear laughter in the background).

Naturally I went faster than any other person driving bike. And
talking about any other cyclists: most of them drive on the sidewalk.
Without the obligatory helmet. You’re laughing at my helmet? If you’re wearing a helmet, you’re entitled to use the road. If not, play with the kids on the sidewalk. I keep telling myself.

Over on the Olde Continent, there are no laws that force cyclists to wear helmets. First of all there are plenty of bike lanes.
Additionally, every cyclist must have undergone a kind of a test.
Naturally, most car drivers are used to cyclists. Something I miss over
here, where car drivers hang dangerously close behind the cyclists.

On the programming front, I’m working slowly to bring advanced
header filtering to RB. I’ve been looking at Thunderbird and noticed it
had exactly the same dialog as I was planning to make for RB with the
difference that the inboxes actually take care of the rules and
filtering. In most other e-mailers, this isn’t the case (I’m not sure
of Sylpheed, so I should look that one up).

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