
Looking for information on older processors, I ended up comparing Intel’s and AMD’s roadmap for this year.

AMD is focussing on dual core processors (as the graph seems to indicate) to be released at the end of the year. Intel then? No word about dual-processors, only about more + more speed. 3.8 GHz. No problem!

Where’s IBM’s roadmap I wonder. Their PowerPC pages don’t seem to reveal anything.

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10 Responses to Roadmaps

  1. alfons says:

    Could you clue me in how fast the Sempron machine is?

  2. Arthur says:

    I have to ask Gayle. Let me check around for benchmarks… Or maybe I should try one of the games…

  3. alfons says:

    I’m also interested in video card / performance.

  4. Arthur says:

    I’m also interested in video card / performance.

    Does a fractal program help? Could you do something with that? So I install fractint and…

  5. alfons says:

    hmm, no just get me the videocard specs.

  6. Arthur says:

    It’s a generic SiS I think.

  7. alfons says:

    I think?

  8. Arthur says:

    SiS 760…

  9. alfons says:

    Hmm, are you sure about that? It also seems to be an AMD chipset.

  10. Arthur says:

    Uh yes. I never checked the BIOS yet (note this is a Compaq). Can do so after.

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