Genius genie

Imagine spam software finally deliver the right message in your mailbox! Via Cleverhack, an interesting demonstration of an algorithm that attempts to predict the gender of the author of (any) piece of text. Interesting success ratio too.

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2 Responses to Genius genie

  1. Alfons says:

    It’s rather funny. If I write:

    |I am a geek

    it says that I am a male. However if I write:

    I am geek

    |I’m supposedly female.

  2. Arthur says:

    >It’s rather funny. If I write:
    >|I am a geek
    >it says that I am a male. However if I write:
    >I am geek
    >|I’m supposedly female.

    You’re partly twin. Twins are undefined and are not encouraged to do that test.

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