Black-out whammy

CNN curled my toes today when AM’s ms. O’Brien mentioned (and showed) the great black-out picture from space. Apparantly CNN is not aware of the Snopes site (of urban legends fame), which named the very same picture a hoax.

   “The original image appears to be a composite satellite photograph of nighttime North America which someone has manipulated with an editing program to darken the northeastern area.”


Update 10:00am: it looks like Soledad O’Brien corrected the error, assisted by Space Shuttle Expert Reporter Miles O’Brien (apparantly not related).

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6 Responses to Black-out whammy

  1. Alfons says:

    Actually, I have the old (free) version running on my PC at work. You want me to upload it to doubtful?

  2. Arthur says:


    (I have no idea what you’re talking about: pictures of Soledad? Miles?)

  3. Alfons says:

    Didn’t I reply to Cam-nowhere?

  4. Arthur says:

    Didn’t I reply to Cam-nowhere?

    I might have been in the process of adding new entries while you were replying :-).

  5. Alfons says:

    Did you disable HTML tags in your comments?

  6. Arthur says:

    >Did you disable HTML tags in your comments?

    I did. I think. Did I?

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