We read Slashdot for the what?

Over three years ago, I was obsessed with the court transcriptions of the DeCSS/DVD case. Reading one of the transcripts I submitted the following quote to Techdirt:

“Transcript of Trial – Day 4, MPAA v. 2600 NY; July 20, 2000:

Q = Mr. Garbus, attorney of 2600.com
A = Ms. Reider, Chief Operations Anti-Piracy, MPAA, witness of plaintiffs

“Q. How did you know to go to the LiViD website, download the material you downloaded in October and November?
A. I’m an investigator. I followed a trail there.
Q. Tell me what the trail was.
A. I read about it on Slashdot.””

Sometimes working and surfing go along quite alright. The original transcript can be found on the EFF’s website.

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