2003: Or How We Managed To Delete The Internet

Now from within your browser: delete any web page (or website) with the click of a button. Remember those days of handcrafted HTML pages? Now you can finally start your Internet presence with a clean sheet! No more laughing relatives, embarassing jokes, blinking text. Do away with your ‘My First Homepage’ syndrome. The new ‘Delete web page’ feature even works from within the Wayback Machine!


New Delete Button in Mozilla, implemented as a XUL plug-in.

Or use the user-friendly Internet Organizer to move, copy or delete web pages.

Deleting Google is just a fingertip away! With our Platform-Optimized-Speed-Deleting-Algorithms ™, removing Google takes less than 42 days!

All from within your browser! Order your copy NOW.

Note: Does not work within groups.google.com and slashdot.com. However, you can just circumvent this by deleting the complete site. See manual for instructions.

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One Response to 2003: Or How We Managed To Delete The Internet

  1. leigh says:

    Sounds fun, How do I get 1?

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