Indiana Jones and the Desert of the Lost Iraq

I have a deep respect for news iraq.jpg photographers. Where ever there’s suffering there’s one of them around. No matter what circumstances, their pictures and photos always say a lot more than thousands of words of CNN and FOX reporters.

To get to the topic: over at Reuters an item about British reinforcements for Iraq. However, the first picture shown there is ultimately cynical and surreal, picturing an Iraqi man held prisoner while US soldiers cast their shadows on the wall. Naturally the picture has nothing to do with the reinforcement, but it sends a powerful message to us mere mortals who read the news at home.

Looking at it myself, the phrase ‘Indiana Jones and the Desert of the Lost Iraq’ popped in my mind. Bizarre: How did the photographer manage to get there? What did the photographer think himself? Was he allowed to make pictures? Were there any other photos, preferably one with a bunch of soldiers hauling away the Lost Ark?

Pretty surreal: but then, the “War on terror'” is surreal anyways with billions of money spent on something that is shown on TV as the ‘right thing to do’. We’ve got proof and it’s right there. Just like the Germans, who once tried to tell West Europeans that it was for the sake of Europe. Someone give this photographer his well-earned World Press Photo award for perfectly illustrating this war.

Update 1: Reverted to colour image since it showed more details.
Update 2: For those who didn’t get the (visual clue): compare the Stahlhelm and the US’s Kevlar helmet.

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