Two years ago

Two years ago, when we lived in the other part of Truro, I tried to log-on to the regular news sources and noticed that they were either jammed or clogged up. There was a notice that something had happened in NY so I switched on the TV to watch ABC’s Good Morning America (we didn’t have CNN then). I witnessed the (later known) second plane crash in the WTC and was shocked, like so many others. Like so many other people around the world.

I carefully noted that, after taking the dog out, there was quite some air traffic in the air. It was cloudy but the planes were there, which I penned down in my LiveJournal. Around 11, my wife confirmed that a lot of planes were apparently redirected to Halifax airport, which she heard from an insurance adjustor. What was going on, she asked. Something you’ll never believe, I answered. And I believe I tried to explain her what had exactly happened.

There was one funny note that day. Someone asked, if I was OK (I won’t mention any names). Sure I was, I’m in Nova Scotia, right.

That night we were glued to the TVs. Slowly we got tired of the American media and turned back to CTV. After all, this wasn’t an American tragedy. Above all it was a human tragedy. And as everyone knows, human tragedies have a cause or have multiple causes. Why was this possible to happen? Why? What’s next? Who did this?

And revenge it was all about. If you look back at what happened to Afghanistan and compare that with today’s situation, it’s so clear. Utter revenge to lift up a country’s psyche. Kill! Kill! KILL. Revenge feels good if you manage to get someone on its kneels, but after that, has it ever solved the problem? Ever?

So, I was watching the memorial today, the kids spelling the names of the victims and I keep thinking, what has been achieved? And while the voices cry out for the people, the beloved ones, that perished that day, I keep thinking, what has been achieved for the sake of those kids? And while high Defense officials preach vigilance, the president preaches support for the troops and the Secretary of State preaches how we have to remember the victims, I keep thinking what has been achieved after those two years?

The answer? Nothing: The world is still as unsafe as it has always been since I have been living, and as it always has been since you have been living. And that makes the whole event so much more a sad event.

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