Your Canadian idol

Canadian Idol, naturally, smashed Canadian records. The 2 hour sitcom show will probably make into today’s hot topic of the day, most likely replacing regular number one topic, the nation’s weather (Calgary = snow!, Ontario = Isabel).

The Globe has probably one of the most dry commentaries on the show, carefully suggesting that the two hour long show could have been cut into a 15 minute sing-along-and-vote-now event.

   “Other flashback segments included host Ben Mulroney and sidekick Jon Dore singing the Idol anthem Choose Me alongside early-round Idol rejects. Some of the off-notes would have shattered glass.”

Last evening brought you plenty of winners! There’s a new Idol, Canadian, plus most importantly: an extremely happy record industry, eager to raise those profit margins after bad-bad-bad pirates, software programmers and dancing-boy-groups tried to ruin the market. Vive l’Idol!

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