Search engines: the next war?

Over at Reuters an article about Microsoft and their ambitions to sidetrack Google, the ever-popular search engine.

The company is pretty confident too. Says a strategist of Microsoft:

   “The decision to build or buy came down to our ability to innovate. Our ability to innovate is predicated on our ability to own the platform”

Third-parties and analysts suggest that Microsoft’s ultimate goal may be the integration of a Web search application into Longhorn, the database driven upcoming version of Windows.

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2 Responses to Search engines: the next war?

  1. joy says:

    This isn’t news in as much there already is integrated search functions in XP, it’s just that MS is seemingly announcing them.

    Take a look at the option one has when clicking start>search.

  2. Arthur says:

    This isn’t news in as much there already is integrated search functions in XP, it’s just that MS is seemingly announcing them.

    I know (and I’m amazed how many people still use MSN search, just because it is there when they start up their computer), but the most interesting part in this story is the (possible) integration of the database file structure of Longhorn with that web search. One can only speculate what the next step will be (completely integrated client-to-web communication from the desktop), but I bet it’s going to bite a chunk out of Google.

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