More pictures from Juan

The following pictures have been shot by Donald Cox (FailSafe Computers of Truro) and are reprinted with permission (© 2003 Donald Cox). To ease the load on Alf’s server, I have downsized most of the pictures to a comfortable 300 x 200 pixel format.

Images should now be working. Forgot to close a tag.

(Recap is here)

update: More pictures via John Towers. I presume these were taken the morning after Juan dropped in

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2 Responses to More pictures from Juan

  1. alfons says:

    You don’t have to ease Doubtful… I just sent you the load because you might find it interesting.
    (Come on, 14,000 requests in almost 1 month time is… pretty interesting.
    You’ve got plenty of disk space too.:)

  2. Arthur says:

    pretty interesting.
    You’ve got plenty of disk space too

    Which reminds me of: you probably remember some of these places.

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