Edith Piaf

Is this coincidence, edith_piaf.jpgI wonder, when Alfons recalls veering up when he hears Piaf during the Dutch movie ‘Phileine zegt sorry’, while at the same time the BBC was commemorating the singer (October 10th, it was the 40th anniversary of her death)?

In light of the anniversary, The Telegraph has an interview with the writer of the song ‘Non, je ne regrette rien’.

   “I played the notes and Vaucaire just started saying ‘rien de rien’ and it became a song about the triumph of love, the everlasting hope of love. That is the mystery of songwriting. And fate.”

Not completely related, croissants for breakfast. Life is good

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2 Responses to Edith Piaf

  1. alfons says:

    Didn’t know it was the 40th anniversary of her death. I did cleary hear the words of the song, and I sort of guessed it was Edit Piaf. (The only French female singer I could think of.)

  2. Arthur says:

    Didn’t know it was the 40th anniversary of her death

    Coincidence it is then :)

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