Social engineering vs. engineering

Clay Shirky’s essay on the Semantic Web has drawn a lot of criticism from weblog luminaries. You know, the A-List type.

More interesting are the matters that had to be solved somewhere else. Over at work, I finally found out how to deal with business rules, let alone, how to carefully categorize them and seperate them from the actual code. Back in the days, I did not have a clue. Additionally: When computers do the math, and someone ends up choosing the wrong type of double or significant variables, you find out fast which one should have not been used if you discover rounding problems at your end. I praise my masters (that is, my Chemistry teachers) for showing me the way of handling rounding: that is at the end when you have to present the actual numbers. Decimals. Math. We eat them for lunch. By the penny.

And that very thing is far more interesting to discuss than the ‘Semantic Web’ stuff.

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