Let and let die

It looks like the Senate has reached a compromise on a bill that’s aimed at restoring the feeding tube of a severely brain-damaged Florida woman. Bipartisan support, too.

Looking around on Metafilter, I ended up over at Abstract Appeal, which has plenty of good and factual remarks on the case. I find the timeline on that page deeply concerning and disturbing. Also read the objective comments of the judges. Here’s one pick (on the parent’s argument that Terry was reacting to her mother):

  “The court opinions indicate that similar videos were viewed in their entirety by the trial court, which found that Terri’s actions were no more than reflexive and could not be reproduced with any consistency. The Second District affirmed that decision.”

It’s rather sad that this case has become a political issue, not only because of the stakes but also because of the media frenzy around this case. A hotbed of emotion.

Links inside.

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