Bread and butter

Talking about food: sm_formula.jpg researchers of the Leeds university (Great Britain) have found the formula for the perfect piece of toast. I do a bold prediction: by the year of 2123, every man will be able to create precious perfect toasts with the push of a button 1 because a smart business man, Bill Gates the 10th incorporated the following formula in his Windows 2123. (Click image to enlarge).

Naturally, Amazon by that time will attempt to patent the formula (‘Device or algorithm to create a crispy perfect toast’), but luckily they have to oppose a bunch of open source programmers led by Linus Junior Junior Junior Junior (and so forth) who manages to provide proof of prior art (Self recursive link to self).

And then I woke up. Toast anyone?

1 Slogan: ‘Push button crispy-buttered-toast power’

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