CVS, pserver and that

I had a fun time installing CVS at work, meaning a chrooted pserver. I should have been looking into adding SSH into the process, but couldn’t be bothered.

A couple of notes installing a pserver CVS. Do follow the instructions as instructed in the manual. Additionally, there are differences between Linux distros: this is basically because of different directory structures. Can be quite a pain in the rear-end.

A quick guideline (for Red Hat):

  • 1. cvs init -d yourdirectory.
  • 2. Make group/user ‘cvs’.
  • 3. Add users to this group.
  • 4. Generate passwords in CVSROOT (passwd).
  • 5. export CVSROOT=path/to/cvsroo.
  • 6. add cvspserver to /etc/xinetd.conf.
  • 7. add file cvspserver to /etc/xinetd.d/
  • 8. restart xinetd
  • 9. try to log-on:
  • 10. Export CVSROOT=:pserver:username@SERVERNAME:/path/to/cvsroot
  • 11. If this works you’re in. Good for you!

A good guideline can be found here.

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